I got my biggest Halloween scare right before the sun went down and I logged into my edX account to see what ChinaX, Harvard’s latest edition to their MOOC catalog, would demand of me between now and the end of the year (when I anticipated its conclusion would wrap up my One Year BA). Imagine […]
Yes I Kant
It’s been a few months since I tried my hand at applying some of the subject matter I’ve been studying to issues arising out of the existence of massive open online courses. I previously used course topics such as economics, utilitarianism and entropy as a springboard for discussion of meta-matters related to MOOCs, but today […]
Advice for Fellow MOOC Maniacs
The number of people writing to say they’re planning to take on their own Degree-of-Freedom like project in the near future has grown from one a month to one a day. The stories these folks tell are varied (I’ve heard from at least two older people telling me they were actively looking to become a […]
Degree of Freedom Summertime Schedule
As some of you may have noticed, I slacked off yesterday with regard to posting something to the Degree of Freedom site. Part of the reason was to give Part 1 of my interview with Michael Roth from Wesleyan University the chance to stay at the top of the site one day after the holiday […]
Catching Up
While the first six weeks of this blog were dedicated to subjects that each required a full week of entries to flesh out (an introduction to what this project is about, course components, course providers, time, testing, and credit), it’s now time to switch to a new mode where I’ll be talking about different subjects […]