Well one of the more bizarre weeks ever experienced by we Bostonians is thankfully ending without more bloodshed.
Just a quick note as the city recovers (and I try to play catch up) that highlights a few links.
First, the latest Huffington Post Degree of Freedom entry can be seen here.
Second, a great new site called MOOC News and Reviews just officially went live last week. I’m contributing course reviews that have appeared in the Degree of Freedom weekly newsletter to this new site which you can check out here.
Enjoy and see you Monday.
I can’t imagine the amount of anxiety and fear that an entire city had to endure over those two days. It is these moments in life that help keep things in prospective and demonstrates that good hearted, determined and motivated human beings can come together for a cause of human justice, and nothing matters but justice for those terribly unfortunate individuals that were just spending a day in their lives sharing a special event in the great city of Boston. As David Ortiz quite well articulated “This is our f—— city, and nobody’s going to dictate our freedom.” FCC responded appropriately, “David Ortiz spoke from the heart at today’s Red Sox game. I stand with Big Papi and the people of Boston – Julius”.
Thanks for all you are doing! It is truly inspiring to have someone with so much knowledge working through this process. I represent the average Joe’s point of view, I don’t have the academia side of this equation; however, I do have a desire and passion to learn more and become a better human being through the sharing of knowledge of great human beings and institutions.
Be Strong!