I’ve received a number of questions, both in the comments section and through the Contact form, and while it’s still manageable to do so, I’m going to try to reserve time on Fridays to answer as many of these as I can. The first one came from commenter Steve who wondered if I will be […]
Today, I wanted to discuss the major challenges I expect for this project. And tomorrow, I plan to wrap up the week by answering your questions and reviewing the ways you can follow along with the Degree of Freedom experiment. Regarding challenges trying to learn the equivalent of a liberal arts BA in twelve months […]
MOOC vs. iTunes: Auditing vs. “Taking” Classes
In a traditional college setting, there is a distinction between taking a class (which includes fulfilling all course requirements) and simply auditing it (i.e., just sitting through the lectures). In the world of MOOCs and other free online classes, however, this difference is not so clear. For most “brick-and-mortar” (and even online) degree-granting colleges and […]
My Freshman Year Lineup
So far, I’ve got the Degree of Freedom schedule together for all of my Freshman and most of my Sophomore year. Junior- and Senior-year schedules are a work in progress – as (I hope) are some of the MOOC and other higher-level courses I’m going to need to complete my planned philosophy major. So here’s […]
The Degree of Freedom Curriculum
So what will taking the equivalent of four years worth of college classes in twelve months entail, other than all-nighters, cold pizza, and bull sessions at various virtual and (I’m hoping), actual coffee shops? For starters, I need a framework to determine what courses this project will include. And I’ve chosen for this framework the […]